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The post How to Display Ads Only to Search Engine Visitors in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

Do you want to show targeted ads to only visitors from search engines?

From our experience and the research of many industry experts, it seems that search engine visitors are more likely than your regular readers to click on targeted advertisements. By showing ads only to these visitors, you can boost the click-through rate (CTR) and increase sales.

In this article, we will show you how to display ads only to search engine visitors in WordPress.

How to display ads only to search engine visitors in WordPress

Why Display Ads to Only Search Engine Visitors?

There are different ways to make money online, and showing ads is one of them.

You can use Google AdSense to show ads on your WordPress blog and earn a set fee when a user clicks on the advertisements. This strategy is called cost-per-click (CPC).

However, getting more clicks can be a challenge if the ads aren’t targeted to the right audience. This is where limiting ads to search engine visitors can help boost ad revenue.

Different studies, industry experts, and our own experience show that visitors from search engines are more likely to click on ads on your site compared to other visitors. You can show the right ads to the right users and improve CPC.

This strategy also helps show ads only when they are needed. Having too many advertisements can be distracting and bad for the user experience. By displaying them to only search engine visitors, your WordPress website won’t be cluttered with ads.

That said, let’s see how you can display ads to only search engine visitors.

Showing Ads to Only Search Engine Visitors

To display ads to only visitors from search engines, you will need to add a custom code snippet to your WordPress website.

This might sound technical and difficult, but we will show you an easy way to add code snippets without editing code or hiring a developer.

If you haven’t set up ads on your site, then please see our guide on how to properly add Google AdSense to WordPress.

Next, you will need to install and activate the WPCode plugin. To learn more, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WPCode is the best code snippet plugin for WordPress, and it helps you insert custom code anywhere on your site. It also helps you manage and organize all your code snippets.

Note: For this tutorial, we will use the WPCode Lite version, which is available for free. However, there are premium plans that offer more features like conditional logic, safe error handling, a code snippets library, and more.

Upon activation, you need to head to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet from your WordPress dashboard. Next, click the ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

Add custom CSS snippet

From here, you will need to copy this code snippet:

$SE = array('/search?', 'images.google.', 'web.info.com', 'search.', 'del.icio.us/search', 'soso.com', '/search/', '.yahoo.');
foreach ($SE as $source) {
  if (strpos($ref,$source)!==false) {
    setcookie("sevisitor", 1, time()+3600, "/", ".wpbeginner.com"); 
function wpbeginner_from_searchengine(){
  global $sevisitor;
  if ($sevisitor==true || $_COOKIE["sevisitor"]==1) {
    return true;
  return false;

Note: In the setcookie line, be sure to change .wpbeginner.com to your own site domain.

Next, you must paste the code into the WPCode ‘Code Preview’ area. You will also need to enter a name for your snippet and then click the ‘Code Type’ dropdown menu and select the ‘PHP Snippet’ option.

Enter custom code for search engine visitors

After that, you will need to scroll down and select the Insertion method for the code snippet.

WPCode will use the ‘Auto Insert’ option by default and run the code everywhere. However, you can change this and insert the custom code on specific pages, before or after content, show it on eCommerce pages, and more.

Edit insertion method for code

As an alternative, you can also switch to the ‘Shortcode’ insertion method and manually enter a shortcode to run the code snippet.

For this code snippet, we recommend using the Auto Insert method.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the toggle at the top to activate the code snippet, and then click the ‘Save Snippet’ button.

Activate and save ad code in WPCode plugin

Choose Where to Display Ads on Your Site

Next, you will need to add another code snippet and choose where you’d like to display the ads to only search engine users.

Simply copy the following code:

<?php if (function_exists('wpbeginner_from_searchengine')) {
  if (wpbeginner_from_searchengine()) { ?>
<?php } } ?>

Note: Don’t forget to replace ‘INSERT YOUR CODE HERE’ in the above snippet with your Google AdSense code.

The snippet above uses the first code as a reference and analyzes whether the referrer agent is from any type of search URL, which includes Google, Yahoo, Delicious, and more.

If a visitor’s browser says that the referrer agent is from any search site that you have specified, then it will store a cookie on their browser called ‘visitor’ for 1 hour from the time they visited your site.

To add the code, simply go to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet from your WordPress dashboard and select the ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

Add custom CSS snippet

Next, you can enter a name for your code snippet at the top and paste the code into the ‘Code Preview’ area.

You will also need to change the ‘Code Type’ by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting the ‘PHP Snippet’ option.

Enter code and select code type

After that, you can click the ‘Save Snippet’ button and scroll down to the Insertion section.

Here, you will need to select the ‘Shortcode’ method. This way, you can easily add the shortcode to show display ads anywhere on your site.

Add shortcode for display ads

You can copy the shortcode or write it down in a notepad file.

When you are done, don’t forget to click the toggle at the top to activate the code and then click the ‘Update’ button.

To add the shortcode, you can head to any section of your website. For example, if you want to show banner ads to search engine users in the sidebar, then just go to Appearance » Widgets from the WordPress dashboard.

From here, you can click the ‘+’ button to add a Shortcode widget block to the sidebar area.

Add a shortcode widget block

Go ahead and enter the shortcode you just copied. Once you are done, simply click the ‘Update’ button.

WordPress will now display the search engine-specific ads that you have chosen to these users for a total of one hour from the time they first visited your site.

If this user bookmarks your site and comes back to it one day later because they like your content, then they will be considered your regular reader and will not see the search engine-specific ads.

We hope this article helped you learn how to display ads only to search engine visitors in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate guide to WordPress SEO and our expert picks for the best WordPress ad management plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Ads Only to Search Engine Visitors in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-ads-only-to-search-engine-visitors-in-wordpress/feed/ 23
How to Display Trustpilot Reviews on Your WordPress Site https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-trustpilot-reviews-on-your-wordpress-site/ https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-trustpilot-reviews-on-your-wordpress-site/#comments Wed, 29 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.wpbeginner.com/?p=230717 Do you want to show Trustpilot reviews on your WordPress website? Trustpilot is one of the most well-known online review platforms. By displaying testimonials from Trustpilot users on your site, you can easily build credibility and trust with your audience. In this article, we will… Read More »

The post How to Display Trustpilot Reviews on Your WordPress Site first appeared on WPBeginner.

Do you want to show Trustpilot reviews on your WordPress website?

Trustpilot is one of the most well-known online review platforms. By displaying testimonials from Trustpilot users on your site, you can easily build credibility and trust with your audience.

In this article, we will show you how to display Trustpilot reviews on your website.

How to Display Trustpilot Reviews on Your WordPress Site

What Is Trustpilot?

Trustpilot is a consumer review website. When users go to Trustpilot, they can find a business to review, write a testimonial, and give the brand a star rating on a scale of 1 to 5.

They can also read reviews for businesses they are interested in so that they can be better informed about their decisions.

For business owners, Trustpilot gives them a chance to invite their most loyal customers to leave positive testimonials for the brand. If the business receives a negative review, then they can respond to it and address the customer’s concerns.

Pros and Cons of Trustpilot Reviews

If you are interested in using Trustpilot, you may be wondering whether it’s a good fit for you. Let’s review this platform’s pros and cons.

Pros of Trustpilot

  • It’s a popular and reputable review website, so displaying reviews from there can boost your social proof.
  • It has a free plan, making it accessible for new businesses.
  • Besides WordPress, it can be integrated with other third-party tools like PayPal, Pinterest, Facebook, and more.

Cons of Trustpilot

  • Trustpilot’s free plan allows anyone to be listed on the platform, regardless of their credibility or reliability.
  • Trustpilot shows ads on your profile page unless you pay $250 monthly per domain.
  • They also restrict the number of verified review invitations you can send monthly.

If you are looking for a platform to get more WordPress product reviews, then look no further than our WPBeginner Solution Center.

WPBeginner Solution Center

As you know WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource website.

WPBeginner Solution Center is your one-stop review hub for finding WordPress products, including WordPress plugins, themes, web hosting, marketing tools, etc., to help grow your business.

Unlike Trustpilot, only WordPress products are reviewed at WPBeginner Solution Center so your customers can find the best solution for their needs.

Here are a few benefits of getting your WordPress products listed on WPBeginner Solution Center:

  • Free expert review: Most WordPress bloggers charge $600+ for publishing a product review. With WPBeginner Solution Center, you can get it published for free.
  • Ad-free page: Your competitors’ ads will never be published on your product listing page.
  • Get a WPBeginner verified badge: Foster trust among your potential customers by displaying a WPBeginner verified badge on your website.

If you have a WordPress product and want to get listed in the WPBeginner Solution Center, then you can go ahead and submit your application here.

Now, if you still want to display Trustpilot reviews on your WordPress website, then don’t worry. We will walk you through the process using 2 methods, and you can use the quick links to skip to the one you want to use:

Note: If you don’t have a Trustpilot business account already, then we recommend creating one to list your product.

The first method for displaying Trustpilot reviews uses the Reviews Feed Pro plugin by Smash Balloon. It’s the easiest WordPress plugin for automatically showing customer reviews from various websites.

Besides Trustpilot, you can display reviews from Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google, and your Facebook page. If you use many review sites, then Reviews Feed Pro makes it easy to manage them all in one place.

For more information about Reviews Feed Pro, you can read our full Smash Balloon review.

Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro

The first step is to install and set up the Reviews Feed Pro Plugin. For this tutorial, you will need the Plus or Elite plan, as that’s where the Trustpilot feature is available. Alternatively, you can get the All Access Bundle if you want to use Smash Balloon’s social media plugins, too.

Once you have made your purchase, go ahead and install and activate the plugin. For more information, check out our article on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After the plugin is active, make sure to activate the license key. On the plugin’s Getting Started wizard, insert your license key and click ‘Activate.’

Adding a Smash Balloon license to a WordPress website

Connecting Your WordPress Website With Trustpilot

At this point, you can start integrating your WordPress website with your Trustpilot page.

To do that, head to Reviews Feed » All Feeds and click ‘+ Add New.’

Adding a new review feed on Reviews Feed Pro

On the next page, select ‘+ Add Source.’

Note that you can choose more than one source to get your customer reviews.

Adding a new review feed source on Reviews Feed Pro plugin

A popup will appear asking you to choose a review website.

Pick ‘Trustpilot’ and then click ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner.

Selecting Trustpilot as a review source in the Reviews Feed pro plugin

In the next popup window, simply type the URL of your Trustpilot review page into the field.

After that, hit the ‘Finish’ button.

Inserting the Trustpilot URL into the Reviews Feed pro plugin

If the connection is successful, you should see your Trustpilot page listed in the Add Source section.

Now, just click ‘Next’ to continue.

Selecting a review source to create a review feed for using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

Customize the Trustpilot Review Cards

After completing the setup stage, you can select a template to display your Trustpilot reviews. There are 7 choices: Default, Simple cards, Masonry, Single review, Showcase carousel, Carousel, and Grid carousel.

All of the templates are customizable, so you can modify them to your exact needs.

Once you have made your choice, click ‘Next.’

Choosing a Reviews Feed template

You are now inside the Trustpilot review template editor.

For this step, we will focus on the 5 settings within the Customize tab: Templates, Layout, Header, Reviews, and Load More Button.

The Customize tab in the Reviews Feed Pro editor

If you want to switch templates later on, you can do that using the ‘Templates’ setting.

However, note that every customization you’ve made to the previous template will be overridden.

Changing templates for the review feed in Reviews Feed Pro

To change how the template looks, go to ‘Layout.’ In this tab, you can change the card’s layout to a List, Masonry, or Carousel.

You can also adjust the spacing between the reviews so that they are more readable.

The top section of the Layout tab in the Reviews Feed Pro editor

Scrolling down, you can customize the number of reviews to showcase. You can change this based on whether the website is viewed on a desktop, mobile, or tablet device.

Additionally, feel free to adjust the number of characters that each review should display at maximum.

The second half section of the Layout tab in the Reviews Feed Pro editor

With the Header setting, you can modify the top section of the review card and select what elements to display there.

For example, you can show the average rating of all of your Trustpilot reviews to provide visitors with a quick overview of your overall reputation.

The Reviews Feed Pro Header settings

In Reviews, you can select whether to enable or disable review elements like Author and Date, Rating, Images or Videos, and Review Paragraph.

It’s also possible to rearrange them to your preferences.

Editing the individual review feed elements in the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

The final setting in the Customize tab is the Load More Button, which will come in handy if you have many reviews and don’t want to display them all in one list.

You can customize the button text, color, and spacing to suit your website design.

Customizing the review feed's load more button using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

Configure the Displayed Review Settings

In some situations, you might want to choose which reviews people can see. This way, you can avoid showing too many negative reviews and create a good impression for new users.

Or you may want them to show the newest reviews first so visitors get the latest thoughts about your product or service.

To do this, you can switch to the ‘Settings’ tab, which is next to the Customize tab. For this step of the guide, we will focus on Sort, Filters, Moderation, and Language settings.

The Settings tab in the Reviews Feed Pro editor

If you want to determine what type of reviews get shown at the top, you can navigate to the ‘Sort’ menu.

In this setting, you can choose to display the reviews by date, such as the oldest or newest reviews first. Or, you can show them based on the highest or lowest star rating. If you don’t have a specific preference, simply select ‘Randomize.’

Configuring the review display sort settings using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

To filter what reviews are shown, go to the ‘Filters’ menu.

Here, you can choose to display reviews based on certain criteria, like star ratings and certain keywords. The latter may be useful if you are choosing to show specific product reviews for a certain product page.

Configuring the review filters using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

You also have the Moderation setting, which allows you to only display specific reviews on your website.

In this setting, you will need to activate the ‘Enable’ button. Then, you can select between the Allow List or Block List mode. The first lets you pick which reviews are eligible for display, while with the latter, you can choose which reviews get hidden.

Note that the reviews plugin can only show the last 100 reviews from Trustpilot due to the platform’s API limitations.

Reviews Feed Pro's moderation settings

Now, let’s say you run a multilingual website and want to display reviews using a specific language.

For this, you can go to ‘Language’ in the Settings tab and choose your desired language from the dropdown menu.

Reviews Feed Pro's language settings

Once you are done configuring the review cards, you can use the device preview buttons near the top right corner to see what they look like on desktop, tablet, and mobile. This way, they will look good no matter what device the visitor is using.

Then, when you are satisfied with the review cards, simply click the ‘Save’ button.

Previewing and saving the review feed on Reviews Feed Pro

Embed Trustpilot Reviews on a WordPress Page or Post

Let’s go ahead and add your Trustpilot reviews to your web pages.

For this, you will need to click the ‘Embed’ button next to ‘Save.’ The Embed feed popup should appear.

Clicking the Embed button on Reviews Feed Pro plugin

You have two options to add your Trustpilot reviews: using a shortcode or the built-in WordPress block or widget.

Between these two, the easiest method is the block or widget route.

All you need to do is click the ‘Add to a Page’ button. Depending on your WordPress theme, you may also see another option labeled ‘Add to a Widget’ as well.

After that, select your desired page. Once done, hit the ‘Add’ button at the bottom of the popup.

Selecting a page to add review feed to using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin

You will then be redirected to the WordPress block editor for that page and see instructions on how to add the Reviews Feed block there.

Simply click the black ‘+’ add block button anywhere on the page and search for ‘Reviews Feed.’

Once you’ve done that, just drag and drop it to wherever is best on the page.

All you need to do now is click the ‘Update’ button to finish adding the block.

Example of what the Trustpilot Reviews Feed block looks like

The shortcode option is ideal when you want to show reviews in a place that the plugin doesn’t automatically handle, such as a blog post. To do this, click the ‘Copy’ button and go to the page or post where you want to put the Trustpilot reviews.

Then, use the shortcode block to paste the copied shortcode there, like so:

Adding the Reviews Feed embed via shortcode in the block editor

The same as the previous method, just click the ‘Update’ button to make the changes official. And that’s it!

Here’s an example of what the Trustpilot review card may look like on your website:

Method 2: Displaying Trustpilot Reviews With Trustpilot Plugin (Free)

This second method uses the official WordPress Trustpilot Reviews plugin, which is available for free for Trustpilot business account owners.

Depending on which Trustpilot plan you use, however, the customization options and functions may not be as extensive as Reviews Feed Pro.

To start, simply log in to your Trustpilot account and navigate to the ‘Integrations’ menu. In the Ecommerce section, select ‘WordPress.’

Selecting WordPress in the eCommerce integrations menu in Trustpilot

You will see a ‘Download zip file’ button to access the Trustpilot plugin package.

Just click on the button and install the plugin to your WordPress admin panel. You can follow this guide on how to install and activate a WordPress plugin for step-by-step instructions.

Downloading the official Trustpilot integration file

By now, you should have the Trustpilot plugin installed and activated.

Go ahead and open the Trustpilot tab on your WordPress dashboard. Then, click ‘Log in with Trustpilot’ to connect the plugin to your account.

After that, you will see a cookie placement notification from Trustpilot.

Just tick the ‘I understand and accept’ box and click ‘Confirm’ to continue.

The cookie confirmation step when setting up Trustpilot

Now, you can start adding a Trustpilot review card, also called the TrustBox, to your website.

All you need to do is choose a TrustBox from the left panel and drag and drop it to the preview side of the page.

You can filter through the different available TrustBoxes using the dropdown menus below the ‘Choose a TrustBox’ section.

Note: For free Trustpilot plan users, the only TrustBox you can use is the Review Collector. This TrustBox invites users to go to Trustpilot and review your business rather than showing testimonials made by previous customers.

To get more options, you will need to upgrade to a paid Trustpilot plan.

Also, feel free to change the preview page to other pages, such as the product category or single product pages, using the menu next to ‘Preview on:’

Adding a Trustpilot TrustBox widget in WordPress

To customize the TrustBox, hover over the TrustBox element and click ‘Customise.’

You should see some TrustBox settings on the left side, allowing you to change the positioning, spacing, sizing, and language.

Customizing the Trustpilot TrustBox widget in WordPress

Once you are happy with how the TrustBox widgets look, you can click the ‘Publish changes’ button in the top right corner.

Here is what the Review Collector TrustBox looks like on our test site:

Example of what the Trustpilot TrustBox widget looks like

Bonus Tip: Add Social Proof Notifications to Build Your Credibility

Adding Trustpilot reviews is just one way to build your brand’s trustworthiness. Another thing you can do is add real-time social proof notifications to your WordPress website.

These are basically small notifications that appear on your website when someone makes a purchase from your business. Here’s an example:

Example of real-time social proof notification

With this, you can show potential customers that real people are making purchases from your online store. This can encourage them to do the same.

If you want to do this, we recommend using TrustPulse. It’s the best WordPress social proof plugin available. Like in the screenshot above, it can display real-time notifications of products being bought on your website.

For more information about TrustPulse, check out our full TrustPulse review. We also recommend reading our guide on how to use FOMO to increase conversions.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to display Trustpilot reviews on your website. You may also want to check out the best Google reviews plugins for WordPress and how to add a customer reviews page in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Trustpilot Reviews on Your WordPress Site first appeared on WPBeginner.

https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-trustpilot-reviews-on-your-wordpress-site/feed/ 3
How to Accept Alipay Payments in WordPress (2 Easy Methods) https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-accept-alipay-payments-in-wordpress/ https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-accept-alipay-payments-in-wordpress/#comments Tue, 28 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.wpbeginner.com/?p=231605 Are you wondering how to receive Alipay payments in WordPress? Alipay is a digital wallet based in China with over 1 billion active users. Accepting Alipay payments on your WordPress site means you open the door to a broader audience, potentially increasing your sales. In… Read More »

The post How to Accept Alipay Payments in WordPress (2 Easy Methods) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Are you wondering how to receive Alipay payments in WordPress?

Alipay is a digital wallet based in China with over 1 billion active users. Accepting Alipay payments on your WordPress site means you open the door to a broader audience, potentially increasing your sales.

In this article, we will explain how to accept Alipay payments in WordPress. That way, you can tap into a large market of users who prefer using this payment method.


Why Should You Accept Alipay Payments in WordPress?

Alipay is a payment app that allows users to send and receive money online. It is a dominant player in the Chinese market and is now gaining popularity in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and across the world.

It’s also not just used by international users. Many domestic dropshipping stores that buy products wholesale use Alipay as well. That’s because Alipay is the primary payment method for Alibaba and AliExpress, which are two eCommerce giants.

Alipay is well on its way to serving over 2 billion customers worldwide, so adding it as a payment option will help you tap into a huge market and attract customers from regions where Alipay is popular.

That being said, let’s dive into the 2 ways you can accept Alipay payments. You can use our links to jump to skip ahead to the method you prefer:

Method 1: Easily Collect Alipay Payments With WP Simple Pay (Recommended)

For this method, we will use WP Simple Pay, which is the best Stripe payment plugin on the market. With this plugin, you can accept payments without needing to set up any complicated APIs on your site.

WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay integrates into Stripe’s payment options, which allows businesses using Stripe to accept payments from customers who want to pay with Alipay.

The good news is you can use WP Simple Pay Lite since it can accept Alipay payments. Best of all, it’s 100% free.

Note: You will need WP Simple Pay Pro for access to the Alipay payments form. With the free version, you can only create an Alipay payment button to add to your pages. Also, you won’t be able to build on-site payment forms without the paid plan.

For most businesses, we recommend WP Simple Pay Pro. This paid version accepts 10+ payment methods and offers recurring payments, buy now, pay later plans, and an advanced form builder.

For this tutorial, we will be using the Pro plan so that we can build a payment form to accept Alipay payments. The process is the same with the free plan, but you will have access to fewer features.

Step 1: Install and Activate WP Simple Pay

To begin, you’ll need to install and activate the WP Simple Pay plugin. If you need help, read our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will automatically launch the WP Simple Pay setup wizard. You’ll need to click on the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button.

Lets get started button

Step 2: Complete the Setup Wizard

You’ll be taken to the next step in the process. From there, you’ll have to create a new Stripe account or connect to an existing one. Click the ‘Connect with Stripe’ button to move to the next screen.

Connect to stripe

Assuming you already have a Stripe account, you can type in your email address and click the ‘Continue’ button.

It will integrate your Stripe data into your site. That way, all of the payments you receive will go to your Stripe account.

Connect stripe

From here, you’ll be prompted to select your Stripe account.

Then hit ‘Connect.’ Or you can choose to create a new account instead.

Connect Stripe to WP Simple Pay

Step 3: Create a Form to Accept Alipay Payments

Once you’ve connected your Stripe account, you will need to create a payment form.

Go ahead and click the ‘Create a Payment Form’ button.

Setup complete wp simple pay

You will land on a template library where you can pick one from the many pre-built templates for your form.

Next, look for the ‘Alipay Payment Form’ and click on ‘Use Template.’

Alipay payment form

As soon as you choose the template, you will be taken to an intuitive drag-and-drop builder.

You will also be prompted to configure the General settings. This is where you will customize the title, description, form type, and more.

There are also options to add a CAPTCHA and email verification button to prevent fake orders.

General tab WP Simple Pay

If you go to the ‘Confirmation Page’ tab, you can configure where you direct users when they complete the form.

By default, WP Simple Pay will show a custom success page when a customer makes a payment. But you can select ‘Custom Page’ if you’d like to show a different page hosted on your WordPress site. This is a great opportunity to send them to a thank you page and even upsell them on more products or services.

Or, if you prefer to redirect customers to an external page, you can select ‘External URL.’ You can also add a ‘Payment Success Message’ to thank customers and tell them what they can expect from you next.

Confirmation page

After that, you need to go to the ‘Payment’ tab on the left.

This is where you will set the ‘Default Price.’

Price options

And under the ‘Payment Methods,’ be sure to check off the box next to Alipay to begin accepting Alipay payments on your site.

You can also choose other payment methods, such as a Card or ACH direct deposit. If you have WP Simple Pay Pro, you will have full access to 13 payment methods, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay, Klarna, Cashapp, and more.

Alipay payment methods

Then, go to the ‘Form Fields’ tab on the left. Here, you can add or change any existing form fields.

All you need to do is hit the dropdown menu under ‘Form Fields’ and click ‘Add Field.’

Form fields WP Simple Pay

You have plenty of options to choose from, such as phone, address, coupon, and more.

Step 4: Publish Your Alipay Form

Once your form is ready to go, make sure to save your changes. Next up, you are ready to publish and embed your Alipay payments form on your site.

Go ahead and click the ‘Publish’ button on the right side.

publish form

Now, you will need to embed the form in your WordPress website. Just go to the post or page where you want to include your form. This could be a services page, a product page, or anywhere else.

On the top left corner, hit the ‘+’ button.

+ icon page

Search for the WP Simple Pay block to add it to your page.

You’ll see the block appear in the block editor.

WP simple pay block insert

In the dropdown menu, simply select the Alipay payment form you’ve just created.

You will see the form embedded into your page.

Choose form

Finally, hit ‘Publish’ or ‘Update.’

There you have it. Now you know how to easily collect Alipay payments on your WordPress site.

publish alipay

Don’t forget to test the form to ensure payments are going through.

Here’s an example of what the form should look like:

alipay payment form preview

Method 2: Accept WooCommerce Alipay Payments With Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin

If you run a WooCommerce store, then you may want to use a payment plugin instead. While you can add a WP Simple Pay button or form to your product pages, it may not embed into the form as seamlessly.

With a WooCommerce plugin, Alipay will integrate smoothly into the payment page as a checkbox that customers can tick off during the checkout process.

Step 1: Install the WooCommerce Stripe Plugin

To get started, you will need to download the free WooCommerce Stripe plugin. This plugin will redirect users to the Alipay payment page, where they can log in and authorize the payment.

Go to the WooCommerce Stripe plugin page and click on ‘Free Download.’

Stripe by WooCommerce free download

From here, you will be directed to the cart page.

Check that the order details are correct and hit ‘Proceed to Checkout.’

My cart

You’ll be taken to the checkout page. All you need to do is enter your name and email address.

After that, just click on the ‘Pay $0.00’ button.

Pay button

You’ll be directed to the thank you page.

Just click the ‘Download’ button so you can download the plugin files to your computer.

download stripe plugin

From here, all you need to do is install the WooCommerce Stripe plugin by uploading it to WordPress. If you need help, you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Step 2: Enable Alipay in WooCommerce

Upon activation, you need to head over to WooCommerce » Settings in your WordPress dashboard. Then go ahead and navigate to the ‘Payments’ tab.

WooCommerce payments tab

If you scroll down the page, you will find ‘Stripe Alipay’ as a payment method.

Simply toggle on the button to enable Alipay for your WooCommerce site. Click on ‘Save changes’ at the bottom.

Then go ahead and click ‘Finish set up’ next to the Alipay option.

Set up Stripe Alipay

Step 3: Add Your Stripe Account

You will now be asked to integrate your Stripe account.

Just hit the ‘Create or connect an account button’ to add your Stripe account to WooCommerce.

Connect stripe to alipay

All you have to do is choose your Stripe account and click ‘Connect.’

If you don’t have a Stripe account yet, then you can select ‘Create a new account.’

Connect Stripe to WooCommerce

Step 4: Activate Alipay

Now, your Stripe account is fully connected to your online store.

You will need to go back to the ‘Payments’ tab. Next to the ‘Stripe Alipay’ method, click on ‘Manage.’

Manage Stripe Alipay

This is where you will be able to configure the Alipay settings, such as the name and description that appear on your checkout page.

Go ahead and click on the ‘Activate in your Stripe Dashboard link.’

Activate in Stripe dashboard

You will be directed to your Stripe account’s payment method tab in the settings.

Scroll down to find ‘Alipay,’ and next to it, click on ‘Request access.’

Alipay request access

From here, a popup message will appear asking if you want to activate Alipay payments.

Simply hit the ‘Continue’ button to accept Alipay payments in your WooCommerce store.

Activate alipay

After you’ve requested access, you need to wait for Stripe to approve your account. It should take about 1-2 business days before you can begin accepting Alipay payments.

When you are approved, you should receive an email from Stripe letting you know that Alipay has been activated for your Stripe account.

stripe email activated

On top of that, you will want to go to your Stripe account’s payment methods and make sure that it doesn’t say ‘Pending’ next to Alipay.

Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until Stripe approves your request.

Alipay approval

Now, all you need to do is check that the Alipay method appears at checkout for your customers.

Go to any product page and go through the checkout progress. Under the order summary, you should see an option for customers to pay with Alipay.

Alipay checkout option

When the customer places an order, they should be sent directly to the Alipay login page. That is where they can log in to their Alipay account and finalize their payment.

Then, the money goes straight into your Stripe account through the integration.

Alipay home

There you have it! Now, you are ready to accept Alipay payments in your WooCommerce store.

We also recommend adding other WooCommerce payment gateways, such as PayPal and Square, to give customers more options to choose from.

We hope this article helped you learn how to accept Alipay payments in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to easily accept credit card payments in WordPress and our picks for the must-have WordPress plugins and tools for business sites.

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The post How to Accept Alipay Payments in WordPress (2 Easy Methods) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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