Beginner's Guide for WordPress / Start your WordPress Blog in minutes

What is: Press This

Press This is a special browser bookmarklet which can be dragged and dropped into a browser’s bookmark bar. When browsing an interesting web page, a user can click on the bookmarklet in their browser’s bookmark bar to quickly post a link and their commentary about the page they were visiting.

In order to add the Press This bookmarklet to your browser, you have to go to the Tools » Available Tools page in your WordPress dashboard. From here you can drag and drop the Press This button into your browser’s toolbar. This bookmarklet is specific to whichever blog you installed it from. If you have multiple WordPress blogs and you want to have a Press This bookmarklet for each one, then you will have to repeat this step for all of your blogs. You should be able to rename the Press This button once it is in your browser in order to distinguish between your blogs.

Once you have the Press This bookmarklet installed, you need to make sure you are logged into your WordPress website. If you are not logged in you will be given that opportunity momentarily. Now, if you are on a web page that you would like to “Press”, you can simply highlight whatever text you want to include in your post. Once you select “Press This” a simplified New Post box will apear with the title set to whatever web page you are on and the content being whatever text you highlighted.

Images can be added from the web page by using the “Add Media” button. An attribution link is also automatically added at the end of your post.

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