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What is: WordCamp

WordCamp is a term used for locally organized WordPress conferences. They are paid for, attended, and organized by local WordPress communities around the globe and cover everything related to WordPress. and the WordPress Foundation publish guidelines that every WordCamp around the world follows. The first WordCamp was held in San Francisco in 2006 and since then WordCamps have been held in hundreds of countries around the world.

WordCamp Logo

These conferences offer opportunities to WordPress theme and plugin developers, local businesses, bloggers, designers, marketers, SEOs, realtors, entrepreneurs, non-profits and almost anybody else you can think of to come together, meet each other, and get to know the needs of their local communities and how WordPress can help them meet those needs. These events are also a good place to learn more about WordPress from seasoned and more experienced WordPress developers and users. The WordCamp is usually very laid back in nature and welcoming of new people to WordPress. The topics covered can range from how to develop plugins to beginners tips on starting to use WordPress. With such a wide variety of people in attendance, it is an excellent way to learn more about WordPress, business, and just make friends. By getting involved with the community, you will have plenty of opportunities to learn more about WordPress and grow your business in general. You will also be giving back and helping make the WordPress community the welcoming and friendly place that it is.

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