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17 Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugins for WordPress (Super Useful)

Are you looking for the best Gutenberg block plugins for your WordPress site?

By default, WordPress offers a set of essential content blocks like a paragraph, image, button, list, and more. However, you can extend this using plugins that add more blocks to the editor.

In this article, we’ll share some of WordPress’s best Gutenberg block plugins that you can try.

The best WordPress block plugins for the Gutenberg editor

What is The WordPress Block Editor?

The WordPress block editor is the default content editor that comes with WordPress. It lets you build your posts and pages using a system of blocks.

For a typical blog post, you will have many paragraph blocks, some heading blocks for subheadings, and some image blocks.

An example of a WordPress page in the block editor (Gutenberg editor)

There are also several default blocks to add other commonly used web elements such as lists, columns, groups, galleries, and more.

To learn more, see our WordPress block editor tutorial for beginners.

Why Use the Block Editor in WordPress?

If you’ve been creating WordPress sites for many years, you will likely find the block editor a significant change from the classic editor.

Some users have chosen to disable the block editor and keep the classic editor. However, we recommend using the block editor. It offers many valuable features and is becoming more user-friendly with each update.

The block editor lets you add elements to your posts and pages that aren’t possible in the classic editor.

For instance, you can add an FAQ section to your post or add a call-to-action button without writing HTML code.

7 Most Useful Time-Saving Default WordPress Blocks

The block editor already includes built-in blocks for all types of content elements.

These blocks make adding common elements, such as tables, galleries, buttons, and more accessible. In the older versions of WordPress, you had to install plugins to add these common web elements.

Here are some super helpful default WordPress Gutenberg blocks you can use immediately.

1. Button Block: This lets you add call-to-action buttons to your WordPress pages and articles.

2. Media & Text Block: This lets you add images and text side-by-side. Doing this with the old Classic Editor was a confusing task for beginners.

3. Cover Block: You can add stunning cover images to your posts and pages. See our guide on the difference between cover images vs featured images.

4. Table Block: This lets you easily create basic tables in WordPress posts and pages. For advanced tables with search, sorting, and ordering features, we still recommend the free TablePress plugin.

5. Embed Blocks: The block editor includes many embed blocks for popular websites. You can use them to easily embed tweets, YouTube videos, and more.

6. Columns Block: You can easily create multi-column layouts for your blog posts and pages.

7. Shortcode Block: This lets you easily add shortcodes to your WordPress posts and pages. This means the block editor is fully compatible with plugins that provide a shortcode.

Besides these, there are many other blocks that you can explore and try without using a plugin.

You can even create your own custom blocks in WordPress following our tutorial.

With that said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress blocks offered by WordPress plugins. These plugins will simply add new blocks and allow you to extend the functionality of the default WordPress editor.

Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugins for Your WordPress Site

There are two types of WordPress block plugins available on the market. We will cover both of them:

  1. Single-Purpose Block Plugins
  2. Gutenberg Block Libraries

Single-purpose plugins are mostly popular WordPress plugins. Many of them have been in the market for a long time. They specialize in one specific feature and usually provide a powerful block to add content in WordPress.

For example, WPForms is a popular WordPress form plugin for making powerful forms in WordPress. It offers a WordPress block to add contact forms, surveys, order forms, payment forms, etc., in your posts and pages.

WPForms Block for WordPress Editor

On the other hand, there are block collection plugins that combine many different content elements in a single plugin.

For example, Genesis Pro gives you 16 additional premium blocks. These include a pricing table block, testimonial block, profile box block, and more.

Single Purpose Block Plugins vs. Block Library Plugins

Now that you know the options, you might wonder if one is better. Here are some essential points to consider.

Single-purpose block plugins add only one feature, but they offer the most comprehensive set of options and integrations. They’re often the best solution for what you’re trying to do.

Block library plugins include a collection of different blocks for different purposes. However, these blocks are not as fine-tuned as the single feature blocks. While they offer a lot of blocks, they may not be as robust.

Another disadvantage of using block suites is that they can add unnecessary clutter to your block list.

With that said, let’s look at the best WordPress Gutenberg block plugins.

1. WPForms – Best Gutenberg Block for WordPress Forms

WPForms is the most user-friendly WordPress form plugin in the market. It allows you to easily create simple contact forms and more powerful forms like interactive polls, surveys, order forms, etc., on your WordPress site.

WPForms offers a block for adding WordPress forms to your posts and pages.

WPForms block in new Gutenberg editor

With WPForms, you can create many forms, including survey forms, contact forms, email sign-up forms, login forms, and more.

You can accept online payments through your forms via Stripe and PayPal, with no additional transaction fees. Even the free version of WPForms allows you to collect Stripe payments and it only charges a 3% transaction fee.

You can also easily integrate your forms with email marketing tools, eCommerce plugins, and CRM software.

2. Genesis Blocks

Genesis Blocks is a free Gutenberg plugin with a collection of custom WordPress blocks. It includes 14 essential Gutenberg blocks, four pre-built page layouts, and eight pre-built page sections.

The Genesis Blocks plugin for WordPress

This library comes with some of the best WordPress blocks that you may need.

  • Advanced Columns Block – Create beautiful multi-column layouts.
  • Author Profile Block – Easily add an author profile box to posts or pages.
  • Pricing Block – Build beautiful pricing tables in WordPress.
  • Share Icons Block – Add social share buttons to your posts and pages.
  • Testimonial Block – Include customer testimonials to help drive sales.

Genesis Blocks also has a pro version, Genesis Pro. This gives you new blocks, plus 26 pre-built full-page layouts, 56 pre-built sections, and much more. If you want to create a beautiful and effective website quickly, it’s a great solution.

Genesis Blocks is owned by WP Engine, one of the leading managed WordPress hosting companies. They offer premium StudioPress themes that integrate seamlessly with the Genesis Blocks plugin.

Genesis Pro subscription will also give you access to all premium StudioPress themes.

3. Smash Balloon – Social Feed Blocks for All Networks

Smash Balloon is the best social feeds plugin for WordPress. It makes adding social media posts to your site incredibly easy. For instance, you can use it to create a custom Instagram photo feed.

Smash Balloon gives you a block for adding each social media feed. For instance, you can simply drag and drop the Facebook block into a post or page to add your Facebook feed. You don’t need to enter any shortcodes.

The different blocks available from different Smash Balloon social feed plugins

You can use each of Smash Balloon’s plugins separately. They cover Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.

Each plugin is 100% mobile responsive and looks great out of the box. It automatically matches your WordPress theme’s fonts and styles.

4. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is the best lead generation tool for WordPress. You can use it to create many campaigns, including popups, slide-ins, spin-to-win coupon wheels, light boxes, and inline campaigns.

The inline campaigns can be added to your posts and pages in just a few clicks using the OptinMonster block.

Adding an OptinMonster campaign to your page using the OptinMonster block

You can use inline campaigns to quickly and easily embed an eye-catching email signup form on your page.

You could use OptinMonster’s content locking feature to lock the content below the inline campaign.

5. WP Call Button

WordPress Click to Call Button

WP Call Button is a single purpose block plugin that helps you easily add a click-to-call button on your WordPress site.

Aside from adding clickable phone numbers on your contact page, WP Call Button also has a smart floating call button. This lets you add a highly visible click-to-call button on all pages of your website, for mobile users.

This helps you get more phone calls and close more sales for your business. It also works with any professional business phone service that you may be using.

The WP Call Button smartphone buttons have built-in click tracking with Google Analytics, so you can easily see which pages on your site are performing the best.

The phone button block has many customization options, so you can easily customize the call button to match your website design.

6. Spectra

Spectra, formerly known as the Ultimate Addon for Gutenberg, is the most widely used Gutenberg blocks library plugin. Created by the people behind the popular Astra theme, this plugin is actively installed on over 300,000 websites.

The Ultimate Addons blocks in the block editor

It includes over 30 Gutenberg blocks, including the following:

  • Info Box Block – Add an info box with an image, heading, and description.
  • Multi Buttons Block – It lets you add multiple buttons within a single block.
  • Team Block – This allows you to create a team section with photos.
  • Price List Block – This lets you easily create a price list like a restaurant menu.
  • Testimonial Block – Useful to add testimonials on your website.

An advantage of using this plugin is that it comes with built-in support for Astra Theme and all their starter sites. This means you can import a starter site and use the block editor to create beautiful layouts.

7. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is the most powerful WordPress gallery plugin available. It allows you to create image and video galleries on your website easily.

The default Gallery block in WordPress is quite basic and does not allow you to share the same image galleries outside the editor. Envira Gallery will enable you to keep your Galleries separate and add them to any post or page. The plugin is fully compatible with the block editor and has a native block to instantly embed galleries.

The Envira Galery block displaying in the block editor

Envira Gallery includes advanced features like watermark protection and image proofing. It also has seamless integration with WooCommerce to let you sell your photos.

8. Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks is another great WordPress block collection plugin. It comes with some of the most commonly used blocks and helps you add more functionality to your content editor.

The Kadence blocks shown in the WordPress block editor

The plugin is available in both free and premium versions. The free version has 10 custom blocks, including the following:

  • Row Layout Block – Insert content blocks in one or multiple columns in a row.
  • Tabs Block – Lets you create horizontal or vertical tabs and customize them.
  • Accordion Block – Create beautiful accordions within your content.
  • Icon List Block – Lets you create attractive lists with custom icons instead of default bullets.

The plugin allows you to deactivate the blocks that you will not use. Doing so keeps your editor clean and lightweight.

If you like these blocks and want more from Kadence Themes, you can buy their pro plugin or membership plan.

9. Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter

Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter is another useful WordPress blocks plugin that adds extra Gutenberg blocks to your site.

The blocks from Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter shown in the block editor

There are more than 10 WordPress blocks included in this plugin. Here are some of the useful blocks:

  • Section Block – Allows you to build layouts using columns like in page builder plugins.
  • Google Maps Block – This lets you embed Google Maps on your website.
  • About Author Block – Allows you to show an author bio box on your website.
  • Sharing Icons Block – This lets you add social sharing icons to your WordPress articles easily.

In addition to the Gutenberg blocks, the plugin also includes templates and layouts to help you create stunning pages quickly. Otter is created by the same team behind ThemeIsle, a popular WordPress themes company.

10. Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks is another Gutenberg block collection plugin with several extra blocks for the block editor.

The blocks from Ultimate Blocks, shown in the WordPress block editor

Here are some of the blocks offered by the plugin:

  • Review Block – Let you add a review with the product name, features, summary, and star rating.
  • Table of Contents Block – Helps to create a table of contents from the headings in your article.
  • Call to Action Block – This lets you create a call-to-action box with a heading, description, and button.
  • Click to Tweet Block – Easily add tweetable content to your posts and pages.
  • Notification Box Block – This allows you to add a simple notification box in your articles.

11. Advanced Gutenberg

Advanced Gutenberg adds 20+ new blocks to your Gutenberg editor. The plugin helps you to create professional web pages easily and quickly.

The Advanced Gutenberg blocks, shown in the WordPress block editor

Here are some of the Advanced Gutenberg blocks.

  • Columns Manager Block – Predefined responsive columns to let you add multi-column content in WordPress.
  • Map Block – This lets you embed Google Maps in your posts and pages.
  • Counter Block – Allows you to showcase numbers like total sales in an attractive manner.
  • Tabs Block – This lets you add content in tabs easily.
  • Advanced List Block – Create visually attractive lists with custom list icons and styles.

The plugin also gives you advanced block control options to activate blocks as per user roles.

The Advanced Gutenberg plugin was created by JoomUnited.

12. Stackable – Beautiful Custom Blocks

Stackable is a free WordPress block library plugin with beautiful custom blocks for WordPress sites. It includes more than 20 easy-to-use blocks for Gutenberg.

The Stackable blocks, shown in the WordPress block editor

Here are some of the excellent WordPress blocks offered by this plugin.

  • Container Block – Allows you to combine different blocks in a single row.
  • Feature Grid Block – This lets you showcase your product features or portfolio in stylish grid layouts.
  • Team Members Block – This lets you showcase your team members with their position, duties, and specialties.
  • Video Popup Block – This lets you add full-screen video popups for YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Stackable also offers impressive effects and background options. You can use image and video backgrounds, fixed images, gradient background effects, and more.

13. CoBlocks

CoBlocks is a free plugin with a collection of page-building WordPress blocks. Like most block collection plugins, it offers extra blocks to supercharge the block editor in WordPress.

The CoBlocks blocks, shown in the WordPress block editor

Here are some useful Gutenberg blocks offered by this plugin:

  • Rows and Columns Blocks – This lets you design dynamic layouts based on a grid system.
  • Carousel Gallery Block – Enables you to create carousel galleries and showcase your images.
  • Alert Block – Create attractive alerts and insert them into your WordPress posts and pages.
  • Author Profile Block – Lets you add an author profile box in your WordPress post or page.

The plugin lets you customize your blocks with ease. You can change fonts, set the margin and padding, pick colors, and more.

14. Advanced Editor Tools

Advanced Editor Tools used to be called TinyMCE Advanced. It’s a popular plugin that enhanced the old classic editor with more formatting options. Now, it also supports the newer Gutenberg block editor.

The Advanced Editor Tools plugin, with extra text formatting options shown

Advanced Editor Tools offers additional formatting and styling options in default blocks. For example, you will see new formatting buttons in the toolbars with the ability to choose fonts. You can also adjust which buttons you want to see in the toolbar.

Some Honorable Mentions

Besides the ones we mentioned above, there are many Gutenberg blocks plugins on the market. Here are some honorable mentions you can use as alternatives to the above-listed plugins.

Plus, most content-focused WordPress plugins are now Gutenberg-compatible and come with their own blocks.

We hope this article helped you to find the best Gutenberg blocks for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our handpicked list of the best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes and our comparison of the best WordPress membership plugins to create & sell online courses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. What an impressive roundup! Your curated list is a treasure trove for anyone looking to elevate their website functionality.
    The way you’ve highlighted their super-useful features is a real time-saver.
    Pro tip: Consider grouping complementary blocks for a seamless and cohesive design. Thanks for putting together this invaluable resource, making it easy for users to discover the perfect plugins to enhance their Gutenberg experience. Your expertise truly shines through!

  3. Great post.
    I have been using Kadence, both the theme and blocks.
    My WordPress site is scoring pretty good on performance and loading fast.
    Although I would say, there might be some disadvantages in terms of design when compared with pages builders.

  4. I notice that one set of block addons is usually not enough. Many a time, we need some blocks which are in one block library addon and other blocks which are in another set. For example, I’ve been using Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg but it doesn’t have a Tab List block so I’m forced to also use another Addon collection that has a Tab List. (Or there may be two sets of blocks where I like some features of one set and some feature of the other set.)

    So, if I use a combination 3 or 4 of these plugins, will this slow down my site? In other words, will these plugins all add additional codes to my site/page and make it slow?

  5. Thanks for posting. I’m a little bit confused as to how Gutenberg works with woocommerce. Is there woocommerce specific Gutenberg blocks or can it not work with woocommerce?

    • It would depend on what you’re trying to do for if there is a block or something else but WooCommerce and Gutenberg do work together.


  6. Awesome post. I’ve heard of some of the Gutenberg libraries already from Twitter and plan on trying out Ultimate Addons and Ultimate Blocks.

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