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How to Easily Create a Coupon Site in WordPress

Do you want to make a coupon site in WordPress?

Coupon sites help customers find discounts and deals online while you make money with affiliate commissions.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a coupon website in WordPress without any special skills.

How to create a coupon website in WordPress

What is a Coupon Site?

A coupon website is an affiliate marketing site that helps customers find coupons and deals. It is a popular online business idea that has been growing rapidly as online shopping is becoming more common.

These websites make money online with affiliate marketing and partnerships. Basically, they earn a commission each time a user makes a purchase using their coupon code or clicking on their affiliate link.

For example, we have our own deals section on WPBeginner, where we have partnered up with top WordPress companies to offer our users exclusive WordPress coupons and deals.

WPBeginner deals

For more details on how partnerships and affiliates work, see our complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily make a coupon website in WordPress and grow it successfully.

Getting Started with Your Coupon Website

To make a coupon website, you’ll need a domain name and a web hosting account.

A domain name is what users will type in their browsers to reach your site (example: A web hosting account is where all your website files are stored. You can learn more in our guide about the difference between domain name and hosting.

Domain names typically cost $16.99 per year, and website hosting starts at $7.99 / per month. This is a little expensive for a small business if you are just starting out.

Luckily, folks at Bluehost have agreed to offer a generous discount to WPBeginner users with a free domain name and SSL certificate. You can get started for $2.75 per month.

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Once you have signed up for hosting, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress, and you can log in from your account dashboard.

Looking for a Bluehost alternative? We recommend Hostinger. They also offer a free domain name with a generous discount on hosting for WPBeginner users.

If you need help, see our complete WordPress installation tutorial for more detailed instructions.

Setting up a Coupon Site in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Coupons plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WP Coupons

Upon activation, you can go to Coupons » Add New page to create your first coupon.

Simply provide a title for your coupon and then a long description in the content area.

Add new coupon

Below the editor, you’ll notice a ‘WP Coupons Details’ box.

This is where you’ll add your coupon code, affiliate URL, call to action, expiration date, and more.

Coupon details

Finally, you need to set a featured image for your coupon.

We recommend using the same size images for all your coupon-featured images to make sure that your coupon grid layout looks perfect.

Set coupon image

Once you are done, you can save your changes or publish your coupon.

After you have added a few coupons, you can visit the coupons archive to view all your coupons. WP Coupons will automatically create a coupon page on your WordPress website. It is generally located at a URL like this:

Coupons page preview

You can also click on the title of a coupon.

This will open a view of the single coupon page with a longer description.

Single coupon page

Displaying Coupons on Your WordPress Website

By default, WP Coupons allows you to use the coupon archive template to display all your coupons at once.

However, the default template may not work well with your WordPress theme, or you may simply want to display your coupons on some other page.

To disable the default coupon archive page, simply go to Settings » WP Coupons. Under the Coupon Archive tab, switch off the ‘Enable Custom Template’ option.

Disable coupons archive

Now you can use the [wp_coupons] shortcode anywhere on your WordPress website to display all your coupons.

Simply edit a blog post or page where you want to display your coupon grid. On the post edit screen, click the (+) add block button and the shortcode block to your content area.

Now, copy and paste the [wp_coupons] shortcode inside the block settings. Don’t forget to update or publish your changes.

Here is how it looked on our demo site:

Custom coupons page

Displaying Individual Coupons in a Post or Page

WP Coupons also makes it easy to display a single coupon inside your WordPress posts and pages. This feature comes in handy when you are writing content to promote a specific product or partner.

To display a single coupon, you need to go to the Coupons » Coupons page and click on the Edit link below the coupon that you want to add to a post or page.

Editing a coupon

On the Coupon edit screen, scroll down to the ‘WP Coupons Details’ box and you’ll see a shortcode at the bottom right corner of that section.

You’ll need to copy this shortcode.

Single coupon shortcode

Now you need to edit the post or page where you want to display the coupon.

On the post edit screen, click on the (+) add block button and then select the Shortcode block.

Adding coupon shortcode

Go ahead and paste the shortcode you copied earlier and save your post/page.

You can now preview your content to see your individual shortcode in action.

Single coupon

Displaying Coupons in a Sidebar Widget

WP Coupons offers two ways to display coupons in WordPress sidebar widgets.

To display a random coupon in your WordPress sidebar, you can go to Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘WP Coupons Widget’ to your sidebar.

Simply click on the ‘+’ icon at the top of the screen, type ‘WP Coupons widget’ into the search bar, and drag the widget into the sidebar area.

Add a coupon widget in your sidebar

Then, you can provide a title for your widget and then click on the Save button to store your changes.

You can now preview the widget on your website to see it display a random coupon in the sidebar.

Coupon widget preview

If you want to display specific coupons in your WordPress sidebar, then you can use the shortcode method.

Click on the ‘+’ icon at the top of the screen, search for the ‘Shortcode’ widget, and drag it to the sidebar area. Then, add the [coupon id="19"] shortcode in the text area.

Display coupons in sidebar using shortcode

Don’t forget to replace id with the ID of the coupon that you want to display. You can find a coupon shortcode by simply editing the coupon, as shown earlier in this guide.

To display multiple coupons in your sidebar, you can add multiple shortcodes with the coupon IDs. Here is how it looked on our test website.

Single coupon in the sidebar

Changing The Style of Coupons

WP Coupons provides limited options to choose colors and styles for coupon grids and panels.

You can find them by visiting Settings » WP Coupons page and switching to the Style Options tab.

WP Coupons styles

From here, you can choose colors and font sizes to match your WordPress theme or design requirements.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

Managing and Growing Your Coupons Site

There are plenty of affiliate marketing tools and plugins that you can use to manage and grow your coupon website.

Here are some of the essential tools that you’ll need.

1. Pretty Links Pro

Pretty Links

Pretty Links Pro is a WordPress affiliate links manager plugin. It allows you to shorten the long ugly affiliate URLs into short and clean URLs.

It also helps you easily track, group, sort, and manage your affiliate links. It is a huge time-saver for affiliate marketers.

For instance, if you promote a partner on multiple locations on your website and they suddenly change their affiliate links, then you can simply update the link at one location and it will be automatically updated everywhere else.

Alternative: ThirstyAffiliates

2. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It shows you where your users are coming from and what they do when visiting your website.

It also allows you to easily set up conversion tracking on your website so you can make data-based decisions to grow your business.

For instance, you can see which coupons get more clicks and which coupons get views but no clicks. You can then improve those coupon deals to boost their click-through rate.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the #1 conversion optimization software on the market. It allows you to easily convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster gives you incredibly powerful tools to promote coupons and deals across your website. It comes with lightbox popups, countdown timers, header and footer banners, slide-in popups, spin-to-win popups, and more.

All of these tools help to promote coupons and deals on your website, so you can increase your conversion rate and grow your affiliate revenue.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create a coupon site in WordPress. Next, you’ll want to see our comparison of the best live chat software for small business, or our guide on how to choose the best web design software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us. Here's our editorial process.

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  1. Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. It looks beautiful when you do it. Does it depend on the theme used or the plugin wpcoupon does it all? I think it has something to do with the theme used as well. What theme would you suggest? Thanks

    • The most common method would be to have an affiliate link to the product on the same page as the coupon for the product


  3. Any “best practices” tips on how to drive traffic to the coupon site model? The Big Guys pay Big Bucks to get their sites noticed.
    I don’t see how these little sites can compete without massive amounts of contextual links.

    • The SEO for coupon sites is very competitive. The best thing you can do is look at what those top sites are doing. On WPBeginner, we try to stick to the technical side of building a website :)


  4. Hi,

    Does someone know which coupon plugin that have a feature like clipper theme ? that can produce a coupon wich we can see how the coupon perform, and set the expiration date,etc ?

  5. Hello admin! i want to start a coupon site with some networks & paytm also so can you please tell me how to generate coupon code for their products and paytm recharges & services. Where can i find paytm affiliate ? i found only paytm main page affiliate through vcommission and many other network.So please give me a solution

  6. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the knowledge….I am in the phase of developing a coupon website.

    I am using flatter theme of WP. Can you please guide me on how to post coupons.


  7. Google doesn’t like WordPress and affiliates!
    I created a website using WordPress and affiliates to get coupons from advertisers. From technical point of view everything looks ok but Google doesn’t show my site when related search keyword is entered. If shoppers can’t find you on the web when they enter the related keyword, no commission is earned. Read more about this at different places on the web and use your judgment.

      • would like to see this …. how to get the data base of coupons because adding 1 cupon at a time will take too long :(

        also if someone can guide how to find coupons easily?

    • Where do I get the coupons ? Like how do I find them or how do I get them in bulk and have them come down when they expire etc. is there a plug in for that or anything?

    • There are many coupon API’s available online. Just search coupon API for it online. This updates all the coupons on your website automatically and you don’t need to update coupon manually. You can take subscription as per your requirement.

      • The main issue with that method would be how well you trust who you are getting the API from.


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