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How to Protect Your WordPress Site From Brute Force Attacks

Do you want to protect your WordPress site from brute-force attacks?

A brute force attack can slow down your website, make it inaccessible, and even crack your passwords to install malware on your website.

In this article, we will show you how to protect your WordPress site from brute-force attacks.

protecting WordPress from brute force attacks

What Is a Brute Force Attack?

A brute force attack is a hacking method that uses trial and error to break into a website, a network, or a computer system.

The most common type of brute force attack is password guessing. Hackers use automated software to keep guessing your login information so they can gain access to your website.

These automated hacking tools can also disguise themselves by using different IP addresses and locations, which makes it harder to identify and block suspicious activities.

A successful brute force attack can give hackers access to your website’s admin area. They can install malware, steal user information, and delete everything on your site.

Even unsuccessful brute force attacks can wreak havoc by sending too many requests to your WordPress hosting servers, slowing down or even completely crashing your website.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to protect your WordPress website from brute-force attacks. Here are the steps we will follow:

1. Install a WordPress Firewall Plugin

Brute force attacks put a lot of load on your servers. Even the unsuccessful ones can slow down your website or completely crash the server. This is why it’s important to block them before they get to your server.

To do that, you’ll need a website firewall solution. A firewall filters out bad traffic and blocks it from accessing your site.

Website firewall

There are two types of website firewalls that you can use:

  • Application Level Firewalls examine the traffic once it reaches your server but before loading most WordPress scripts. This method is not as efficient because a brute-force attack can still affect your server load.
  • DNS Level Website Firewalls route your website traffic through their cloud proxy servers. This allows them to only send genuine traffic to your main web hosting server while giving a boost to your WordPress speed and performance.

We recommend using Sucuri. They are the industry leader in website security and the best WordPress firewall in the market. Since they have a DNS-level website firewall, this means all your website traffic goes through their proxy, where bad traffic is filtered out.

We use Sucuri on our website, and you can read our complete Sucuri review to learn more.

2. Install WordPress Updates

Some common brute force attacks actively target known vulnerabilities in older versions of WordPress, popular WordPress plugins, or themes.

WordPress core and most popular WordPress plugins are open source, and vulnerabilities are often fixed very quickly with an update. However, if you fail to install updates, then you leave your website vulnerable to those old threats.

Simply go to the Dashboard » Updates page in the WordPress admin area to check for available updates. This page will show all updates for your WordPress core, plugins, and themes.

Updates page in WordPress admin area

For more details, see our guides on how to safely update WordPress and properly update WordPress plugins.

3. Protect WordPress Admin Directory

Most brute force attacks on a WordPress site are trying to get access to the WordPress admin area. You can add password protection on your WordPress admin directory on a server level. This will block unauthorized access to your WordPress admin area.

Simply log in to your WordPress hosting control panel (cPanel) and click on the ‘Directory Privacy’ icon under the Files section.

Note: We are using Bluehost in our screenshot, but similar settings are available on other top hosting companies like HostGator as well.

Directory privacy in cPanel

Next, you need to locate the wp-admin folder.

Once you find it, you should click on the folder name.

Browse and locate the wp-admin folder

cPanel will now ask you to provide a name for the restricted folder, username, and password.

After entering this information, click on the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Password protect WordPress admin directory

Your WordPress admin directory is now password protected.

You will see a new login prompt when you visit your WordPress admin area.

Login prompt

If you run into a 404 error or error too many redirects message, then you need to add the following line to your WordPress .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 401 default

For more details, see our article on how to password-protect the WordPress admin directory.

4. Add Two-Factor Authentication in WordPress

Two-factor authentication adds an additional security layer to your WordPress login screen. Users will need their phones to generate a one-time passcode along with their login credentials to access the WordPress admin area.

Enter two-step authentication code

Adding two-factor authentication will make it harder for hackers to gain access even if they are able to crack your WordPress password.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, see our guide on how to add two-factor authentication in WordPress.

5. Use Unique and Strong Passwords

Passwords are the keys to gaining access to your WordPress site or eCommerce store. You need to use unique, strong passwords for all your accounts. A strong password is a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters.

It’s important that you use strong passwords for not just your WordPress user accounts but also for your FTP client, web hosting control panel, and your WordPress database.

Many beginners ask us how to remember all these unique passwords. Well, you don’t need to. There are excellent password manager apps available that will securely store your passwords and automatically fill them in for you.

To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on the best ways to manage passwords for WordPress.

6. Disable Directory Browsing

By default, when your web server can’t find an index file (such as index.php or index.html), it automatically displays an index page showing the contents of the directory.

Directory Index

During a brute force attack, hackers can use directory browsing like this to look for vulnerable files. To fix this, you need to add the following line at the bottom of your WordPress .htaccess file using an FTP service:

Options -Indexes

For more details, see our article on how to disable directory browsing in WordPress.

7. Disable PHP File Execution in Specific WordPress Folders

Hackers may want to install and execute a PHP script in your WordPress folders. WordPress is written mainly in PHP, which means you cannot disable that in all WordPress folders.

However, there are some folders that don’t need any PHP scripts, such as your WordPress uploads folder located at /wp-content/uploads.

You can safely disable PHP execution in the uploads folder, which is a common place that hackers use to hide backdoor files.

First, you need to open a text editor like Notepad on your computer and paste the following code:

<Files *.php>
deny from all

Now, save this file as .htaccess and upload it to the /wp-content/uploads/ folders on your website using an FTP client.

8. Install and Set Up a WordPress Backup Plugin

Backups are the most important tool in your WordPress security arsenal. If all else fails, then backups will allow you to easily restore your website.

Most WordPress hosting companies offer limited backup options. However, these backups are not guaranteed, and you are solely responsible for making your own backups.

There are several great WordPress backup plugins that allow you to schedule automatic backups.

We recommend using Duplicator. It is beginner friendly and allows you to quickly set up automatic backups and store them on remote locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, One Drive, and more.

Duplicator WordPress backup plugin

There’s also a free version of Duplicator that you can use to get started.

For step-by-step instructions, you can follow this guide on how to back up your WordPress site with Duplicator.

All the above-mentioned tips will help you protect your WordPress site against brute-force attacks. For a more comprehensive security setup, you should follow the instructions in our ultimate WordPress security guide for beginners.

We hope this article helped you learn how to protect your WordPress site from brute-force attacks. You may also want to see our guide on how to fix a hacked WordPress site and our expert picks for the best WordPress drag-and-drop page builders.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. HI,
    For step-3 admin protection, we need to show the login in WP-admin only but its showing in site also. So, please help us how to show only in WP-admin.

    • If you mean it is in your widget area you may want to check for a meta widget under Appearance>Widgets


  3. I am under the brute force attack right now from different IPs. What can I do to protect my site right now?

    • You can use any of the methods in this article to start combating the brute force attack


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