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Squarespace vs WordPress – Which Is Better? (Pros and Cons)

Are you looking for a Squarespace vs WordPress comparison to figure out which one is better?

Squarespace and WordPress are two popular website builders that allow you to easily make a website without coding.

In this article, we will compare Squarespace vs. WordPress with the list of pros and cons for each platform. Hopefully, it will help you decide which one is better for your needs.

Comparing Squarespace vs WordPress

Note: This comparison is between Squarespace vs self-hosted WordPress (not See the difference between self-hosted WordPress vs

Since we want to create the most detailed WordPress vs Squarespace comparison, we have broken down the article into multiple in-depth sections.

We will look at each section and see which platform offers the most benefit to a beginner-level user.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Ease of Use and The Learning Curve

Most business owners and beginner-level users are not familiar with HTML, CSS, and other code-related things.

They want a website builder that is beginner-friendly and helps them make a website without hiring a developer.

Let’s see how both WordPress and Squarespace stack up in this category.


WordPress is the top choice among users who want to start a blog or small business owners building a DIY website.

WordPress is the best website builder on the market. More than 43% of all websites on the internet use WordPress.

While WordPress is fairly intuitive and easy to use, there is a slight learning curve.

Beginners will need to familiarize themselves with WordPress terminology and concepts, such as the difference between posts vs. pages, categories vs. tags, and understanding themes and plugins.

The default WordPress content editor is fairly easy to use.

It comes with blocks to add common content elements to your pages to build beautiful layouts with media-rich content.

WordPress block editor

Despite the slight learning curve, in our experience, most users quickly adapt to WordPress.

Need an even more flexible way to create pages?

WordPress gives you access to drag-and-drop page builder plugins like SeedProd. This allows you to create your own custom designs from scratch without writing code.

SeedProd a popular WordPress page builder plugin


Unlike WordPress, Squarespace does not come with a lot of choices.

This lack of choice makes it very simple and user-friendly. Even absolute beginners can quickly write content and publish it.

Squarespace editor

Squarespace also uses a block editor similar to WordPress. Adding images, videos, and audio files is simpler than WordPress.

There are plenty of content blocks, and each block has multiple layout control choices.

Squarespace lets you customize your templates and pages using a visual editor.

However, you are limited to the options available in the customizer since it is a controlled environment.


Squarespace fares a little better than WordPress out of the box in terms of ease of use for absolute beginners. However, its limited features might not be ideal for all business owners.

On the other hand, WordPress users will get a lot of options right from the beginning, which might be confusing at first, but it is a lot more flexible in the long run.

Winner: Tie

Costs of Using Squarespace vs WordPress

Knowing how much each platform costs is important in making a business decision.

Let’s look at how much Squarespace costs vs. how much WordPress costs.


WordPress itself is free. You are free to download, use, and build upon WordPress. It is open-source software with a GPL license which gives you all the freedom and control.

To build your website with WordPress, you will need to register a domain and sign up for a web hosting account.

Depending on your needs, you can choose a shared hosting plan, VPS hosting, or even managed WordPress hosting.

Shared hosting plans work for most personal and small business websites.

See our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.

The cost of web hosting and domain name vary depending on your hosting provider. You are in charge of how many resources you need for your website and how much you will pay for it.

For instance, you can start with Bluehost. They are offering WPBeginner users 60% off and a free domain name with an SSL certificate.

Bluehost website

Alternatives: We also recommend using Hostinger as your starter hosting plan. If you can spend a little more, then you can upgrade to SiteGround.

One of the reasons for WordPress’ popularity is that the overall cost of building your website with WordPress is very low.

Apart from that, you can change your hosting plan as your site grows. This means you will only pay for the resources you use, so it’s easier to control the cost of your website.

We have a detailed article on the cost of building a WordPress website and how to keep it under budget.


The personal plan for Squarespace starts from $16 per month (billed annually) or $23 month to month. That’s a little more than a shared hosting plan for WordPress.

Squarespace pricing

However, unlike a shared WordPress hosting service, this Squarespace plan has limited features.

You can only add only two contributors to your site, and you cannot sell products.

Whereas you can start an online store with WordPress for less than that.

Squarespace business plan starts from $23 per month (billed annually) or $33 month to month.

It includes eCommerce support, but they charge a 3% fee on each transaction. This is separate from the fee charged by your payment processor.

The business plan comes with unlimited contributors, pages, and additional advanced features.

They also have separate plans for online stores starting from $27 per month with no additional transaction fee.


As an open-source platform, WordPress beats Squarespace with flexible pricing plans available from a variety of web hosting providers. Squarespace pricing is higher than WordPress and has less flexibility.

The cost depends on how many resources you use, and you get access to all WordPress features right out of the box.

Winner: WordPress

Design and Templates

WordPress and Squarespace come with ready-made templates and design tools to make it easy for you to create a custom website.

Let’s see which offers you more choices and tools to create well-designed websites.


WordPress offers access to thousands of free and premium themes (website templates). These templates are highly customizable, allowing you to use your website logo, colors, upload your own images, and more.

Many WordPress themes come with multiple layout choices, a drag-and-drop editor, sliders, photo galleries, and tons of other features.

No matter what kind of web design you need, you will find hundreds of professionally designed templates for the job.

WordPress themes

Many beginners find this abundance of choices a bit overwhelming. Here are some of our expert picks of the best WordPress themes for different kinds of websites.

For more on this topic, see our article on how to choose the best WordPress theme for your website.

Alternatively, you can also start with the SeedProd. It is a drag-and-drop WordPress website builder that allows you to design a custom WordPress theme from scratch without coding.


Squarespace offers ready-made website templates neatly organized into different categories.

There are Squarespace templates for all popular website categories, with professional designs that look good on all devices.

You can easily select a template for your Squarespace website and modify it using the built-in customizer.

Squarespace templates

However, this is a big area where Squarespace seriously falls behind.

The number of pre-made templates is very limited, and your design options are also limited to the set of features available in the Squarespace customizer.

Themes come with a limited number of layout choices with each template. You can still tweak colors, fonts, website logos, and other things, but these templates are not as customizable as WordPress themes.


WordPress comes out as a clear winner in terms of design choices, customization options, website-building features, and flexibility. Squarespace offers great-looking templates, but they are limited in numbers and are not very flexible.

Winner: WordPress

Extensions and Integrations

All website builders come with a collection of built-in features. As your website grows, you would want to add more features and connect your site to work with third-party tools and services.

Let’s see how WordPress and Squarespace perform in this regard.


The real power of WordPress comes from its massive ecosystem of WordPress plugins. These plugins are like apps for your WordPress site that you can install to add new features or change the default behavior of your site.

There are currently more than 59,000+ free WordPress plugins listed in the plugin directory alone. There are also thousands of premium third-party plugins available.

WordPress plugins website

If you can think of a feature, there is a good chance that you’ll easily find a WordPress plugin that does it.

WordPress plugins are so robust that many are full-fledged platforms with their own add-on plugins and a thriving community built around them.

Then you have specialized plugins to create specific websites, for example:

Because WordPress is the most popular website builder, most third-party services and tools have their own WordPress plugins.

These plugins provide seamless integrations to their services from a WordPress website. For instance, you’ll find plugins to connect with:

To learn more, see our article on how to choose the best WordPress plugin or take a look at our expert pick of essential WordPress plugins every website should have.


Squarespace comes nowhere close to WordPress when it comes to extensibility and integrations.

They do offer a very limited set of extensions and integrations. However, unlike WordPress, Squarespace doesn’t have powerful APIs that developers can build upon.

Squarespace extensions

The available integrations are often limited in functionality and you cannot use them as freely on Squarespace as you can do on WordPress.

For eCommerce, you can use their built-in platform, but you cannot extend it in any way.

Squarespace lacks the functionality to allow custom websites you might need for your online business idea.


WordPress is the clear winner, with an incredible ecosystem of thousands of plugins and integrations at your fingertips.

Squarespace, on the other hand, has very few integrations and many of them are very limited.

Winner: WordPress

E-commerce Comparison – Squarespace vs. WordPress

Are you building an online store? Let’s compare the eCommerce functionality of WordPress vs. Squarespace.


WordPress allows you to integrate and use any payment processor or platform.

Many WordPress plugins allow you to easily accept online payments using credit cards via Stripe, PayPal, Google Checkout, 2Checkout, Payoneer, Skrill, and even Bitcoin.

Selling products in WordPress with WooCommerce

WordPress has plenty of eCommerce plugins that can turn your website into an online store within minutes.

The world’s most popular eCommerce platform, WooCommerce, is a WordPress plugin.

WooCommerce comes with its own ecosystem of WooCommerce add-ons and thousands of WooCommerce-ready themes.

There is no limit on how many products you add to your website, how you display them, or how you sell them.

You can run your own affiliate program and use any marketing techniques to grow your sales without any restrictions.


Ecommerce features are quite limited on Squarespace. You can only use Stripe and PayPal for payment processing, which are only available in select countries.

There is no other payment system available, which restricts your ability to accept payments from a larger global audience.

For a growing business, starting with such limitations is not a great idea.

Ecommerce in Squarespace

Apart from that, you can only sell products in Business or Commerce plans. Due to transaction fees, Squarespace users need to upgrade to an eCommerce plan to save on that.

Let’s say you want to sell only one product, you will still have to pay for the Business plan, and the yearly costs of hosting a site with just one product to sell will be way higher than a shared hosting plan or VPS for WordPress.

As for third-party services, there are very few external services that you can integrate with your Squarespace site.

This affects how you promote your website and the things you can do to make more sales and grow your business.


WordPress is way ahead of Squarespace when it comes to running an eCommerce website. The limitations of Squarespace can affect the growth of an online business.

The neat part about WordPress is that you can also use it alongside Shopify. See our comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce.

Winner: WordPress

Data Portability

When signing a business agreement, you always have safety clauses such as, if you’re unhappy, you can leave without any hassle.

This concept extends to online businesses as well, and it is called data portability.

If you’re unhappy with the platform, you should be able to take all your work and move it elsewhere.

Let’s look at how WordPress and Squarespace handle data portability and the freedom to switch.


WordPress comes with built-in tools to easily export all your data.

Not just your content and images, but you can also back up your themes, plugins, and the entire database. See our list of the best WordPress backup solutions.

Exporting data in WordPress

You can then easily move this content to any other Content Management System you want. You can store your content anywhere else and change web hosts at any time you want.


Just like everything else, the export feature on Squarespace is also very limited.

You can only export certain parts of your content in an XML file. This includes your pages, galleries, and one blog page with all its posts.

Your product pages, album pages, text, audio, and video blocks will not be exported.


The content you create on your site is yours, and you should have the freedom and tools so that you can move it elsewhere.

WordPress again beats Squarespace with easy-to-manage tools to export your entire site.

Winner: WordPress

Languages and Internationalization

We live in a global world, and many businesses cater to a multilingual audience in different geographical locations.

Let’s see how Squarespace and WordPress handle languages, multi-lingual content, and geographical locations.

Multilingual support


WordPress is fully translated into dozens of languages. Users on a WordPress site can choose their language from their profile settings.

Most WordPress themes are translation-ready, and all popular WordPress plugins are also translated into many languages.

You can build a WordPress website in any language you want. You can even translate WordPress for your own website if your language is not yet available.

WordPress does not come with multi-lingual functionality out of the box. However, there are excellent plugins to create multilingual websites that are SEO-friendly and incredibly feature-rich.


The Squarespace platform is fully translated into six languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese). It also partially supports a few more languages.

You can change your site language and choose a different timezone / country.

You can only use currencies supported by Stripe or PayPal for your store products.

You can create multilingual pages by basically duplicating your pages. You will have to manually create a site structure or different sites for each language (You will be billed for each site separately).

Alternatively, you can pay for Weglot, a third-party service to manage translations. Pricing for Weglot starts at $9.99 per month for one language.


WordPress is way ahead in terms of languages and localization options. Squarespace again comes out as very limited and not suitable for creating multilingual websites.

Winner: WordPress

Summarizing Squarespace vs WordPress Comparison

WordPress is a far superior platform to Squarespace when it comes to building a website. Our CMS market share report shows that WordPress powers over 43% of all websites, while Squarespace is only used by 2.1% of websites.

Here is a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of both platforms.

Pros of using Squarespace

  • Easier to use for small websites
  • Polished user experience
  • Hassle-free website setup
  • Customer support via Twitter, live chat, and email support.

Cons of using Squarespace

  • Costs higher than a website on shared hosting
  • Limited design choices
  • A limited set of features
  • Limitations put you at a disadvantage in growing your business

Pros of using WordPress

  • Easy to use with a slight learning curve
  • Incredibly flexible to create any kind of website
  • Massive collection of themes and plugins
  • Truly powerful eCommerce platform
  • Can be started at a very low cost
  • Community support via online forums

Cons of using WordPress

Weighing the pros and cons, we can confidently say that WordPress is a better platform to start a website.

The freedom to grow your website as you see fit is important for all businesses.

You should not trade that for any cost. WordPress provides this freedom at a much lower cost than all other platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Squarespace vs WordPress

Following are some of the most commonly asked questions about Squarespace vs WordPress.

1. Is WordPress better than Squarespace?

Yes, WordPress is better than Squarespace because it gives you more freedom and flexibility to build any kind of website.

Squarespace is easy to use but it offers a free limited set of features and flexibility. It is comparable to platforms like Wix or Weebly which are also fully hosted site builders with similar limitations.

2. Is WordPress better for SEO than Squarespace?

Yes, WordPress is better for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) than Squarespace. With WordPress, you can use SEO plugins like All in One SEO for WordPress or Yoast SEO. This makes it easy to optimize your site for better search rankings, even for beginners without the technical know-how. It comes with powerful sitemaps, schema markup, SEO titles, meta descriptions, and more.

With Squarespace, you are limited to the SEO functionality available in the backend platform and cannot extend it.

3. How can I switch from Squarespace to WordPress?

Squarespace offers limited export options but you can still switch from Squarespace to WordPress. See our tutorial on how to easily move from Squarespace to WordPress for step-by-step instructions.

4. Squarespace vs WordPress which one is better for bloggers?

WordPress is the better platform for bloggers. It started out as a blogging platform and still has the best blogging tools than any other site builder on the market.

We hope this article offered you a side-by-side comparison of WordPress vs. Squarespace. You may also want to see our complete WordPress review for a detailed overview of the platform.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Another great article! One little thing I think you could do better. Please don’t say “the slight learning curve”. I think it would be best to use simply “the learning curve”.

    I realize you want to encourage people, and to let them know that if they are a capable computer user they can get this, no problem. But you don’t know about your readers’ learning curves. For some folks, depending upon what they want to do, WordPress can be a huge learning curve!

    Thanks for all your excellent work!

  3. Great article! I used to use WordPress but have been using Squarespace more and more recently. Finding I can really push the design a lot with some custom CSS and javascript, and clients really like the Squarespace admin experience.

    • Each user has their own needs, while we prefer WordPress if your users prefer Squarespace they can certainly use it :)


  4. Good article – but I might add – WordPress can be extremely complex or simple – but that is the beauty of it. You can create a wordpress custom (which takes lots of coding experience) or you can create a simple site using a pre made theme. WordPress may take more to learn – but learn it once and you can use it on many different types of websites for a long time. Learn squarepace – and you can only build squarespace sites. You wont have a clue how to run a wordpress or other opensource platform – which MAY limit you in the future. Also read squarespace terms – there is NO GUARENTEE of protection on your site. If your squarespace site disappears for whatever reason (employee error etc) there is no guarantee you can get it back. The backup system is crude – No REAL backups you can take offsite and hold in your hand and limited snapshots.

    Having said that, I find the cost of hosting irrelevant when comparing the cost of creating content, layout, graphics and branding. When considering labor it costs the company many many thousands to do it RIGHT and there is the SEO campaigns. It doesn’t make sense to invest all the above into a platform you don’t own. With wordpress – its yours. With squarespace – its theirs and you cannot move it.

  5. I have a question on this topic that I don’t see mentioned in your article. The SSL certificates are included with Squarespace, but I’m not sure about WordPress. Maybe you know if it is, because I helped a friend on a completely different builder and we had to figure out the process of getting those certificates and it was not easy.

  6. I would definitely recommend using WordPress. The argument against it is that it is more complicated to use, but I slightly disagree. With all of the restrictions and higher prices from Squarespace, I think it is better to watch a few YouTube tutorials to better understand WordPress. After all, I don’t think it is very difficult to use, and it allows users more access into code-editing and provides more plugins.

  7. I guess it comes down to preference and what your specific site needs are. I’m not too sold on the limits Squarespace has, but that’s probably because I love WP. All of our clients’ sites are built in WordPress and I love how custom you can make the sites. Yes, it does take some back-end knowledge, but hey, knowledge is power!

  8. Why are people getting so flustered over the two! It’s personal preference and what your requirements are at the end of the day.

  9. I was doing research on whether or not to move my personal blog site from Squarespace to WordPress. A lot of my clients used WordPress, so I thought I may have been losing a big opportunity to adopt what I’ve learned from an agency for my own use. After reading this, I think I am going to stick to Squarespace. I’m not planning on throwing more money into buying expensive plug-ins for my simple blog, so I think the standard features are good enough for me. For more complex projects, though, I’d definitely go to WordPress.

  10. Seems ridiculous that of all the things you wrote this article but never thought to go in to; image quality and page speeds.

    • That’s because image quality has nothing to do with your CMS and page speeds are to do with your server, which you have many options to pick using WordPress. Both these things are either irrelevant or impossible to do in a review like this!

  11. Hello All,

    Please advise. When setting up your site, what legal business structure do you use? (llc, sole proprietorship, s-corp etc.) This site is an LLC, but under LLC’s it says that you can’t pay yourself a wage. I am confused by this.

  12. I am starting an online blog-business and I happen to come across this article. The thing I like the most about squarespace is no coding. Since the already-made templates have simple font change and other stuff. I just hate coding. But I still have to use wordpress since I plan to sell on the website…yeah.

    • Things may have changed since this article was written. Beyond the personal plan, Squarespace offers unlimited products, they can handle other payment processors such as Paypal and Apple Pay.

      I think the rest of the article holds up. it will be a matter of preference – all of the easy to use online website tools sacrifice flexibility for that ease of use, but many won’t require more than that. I use WordPress personally, usually with Elementor front end page builder, which has a free and Pro version, or the almost completely free Live Composer.

      There are lots of other page builders out there, and more on the way, however. WordPress has a ton of options for all kinds of functions.

  13. I have been a squarespace user for 2 years and have explored WP and concrete in the past. Why I paid for SS is the simplicity was beautiful, with a minimal learning curve. Support was very quick earlier on which meant I had questions answered within the hour usually at no extra cost. I was on an annual plan which cost about $155-180 range per year from what I recall.

    With WP I would have needed to hire someone to help me and paid so much more once I added in this cost.

    Now I am at a next step point and will need a CMS so am looking at WP, Concrete and others as a next step.

  14. Squarespace is fantastic. But it is missing one important core capability: It is totally unable to do secure membership websites. This kills the deal for many professionals.

    Membership websites are an important source of business for professional writers, bloggers, businesses. They are even important for non-profits like churches who want to keep in contact with their members.

    Squarespace allows you to sell digital and real products. But it absolutely cannot securely allow you to sell memberships. Sad.

    But that is a strong reason for choosing WordPress or other platforms like Rainmaker who allow you to create a membership business.

  15. Wow what a great unbiased neutral article that isn’t complete garbage because it honestly compares the two without ads from either Squarespace or WordPress alongside the article.

    Oh wait.

    • What can you expect on a site called “wpbeginner”, this site is made for people beginning in WordPress.

  16. I recently decided to move from WordPress to Squarespace. I looked at some other platforms (such as Blogger), but they just didn’t offer quite enough functionality for what I wanted).

    I had been using self-hosted WordPress for over 2 years, but was just finding I was spending most of my time solving site, technical, and performance issues, instead of building content, which was always my goal.

    I never went into this to become an expert is CSS, Caching software, or CDNs.. just to put some ideas and thoughts out there to try to help people.

    Time will still tell if it was the right switch, since it is still early in the process.

    You can learn about my thought process as to why I made the switch in a recent post I made to my site:

    My reasons may not make sense for everyone, and its still early in the process.

    But for many “hobby bloggers”, I do believe that Platforms such as Blogger, or Squarespace are viable solutions, given that you can work within their limitations (which so far, I can).


    • On the contrary wordpress will cost you more to develop. But it absolutely kills squarespace with features. With great power comes great responsibility. There is a reason why not many medium size businesses use squarespace or other template builders.

  17. Comparing them doesn’t make much sense either. SS is clearly meant for those unwilling or unable to learn the little you need to know about WP. My grandma would be fine with SS for sure.

  18. And yet, the guys over at weebly, squarpace and wix spend a ton of money on advertisement (even tv ads) which will result in more WordPress users once the people expose to those ads start doing some research

  19. “While WordPress is fairly intuitive and easy to use, there is definitely a slight learning curve.” That is a biased understatement!

  20. As you steated:”WordPress outperforms Squarespace in every possible usage scenario.”

    If you have decided or are in a need to build a web site using content management system, or you are just starting to conquer “The Web” with your new GREAT IDEA for a blog, then my advice to you would be not to limit your self by using other CMS solutions and stick with WordPress.

    It’s not perfect but it’s the best solution!

  21. Comparing Squarespace with WordPress is like comparing apple with orange. It’s just not fair. WordPress has more freedom and cost effective, it wins hands down.
    Squarespace should be compared with, as both have nasty limitations.

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